今天是輕裝攻頂,我花了一點時間研究怎麼拆下我的小背包,把該裝的東西塞進去後忽然發現背包似乎有點太小了。>_< 把雨衣塞進去後,似乎沒剩多少空間可以塞其他的東西,最後硬擠了個碗,水壺,還有一罐瓦斯進去,行動糧只好放口袋裡了。
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
It haven't been so long since we had the last lecture. Tomorrow, we'll have the last day of university life. Although we haven't started the clerk and intern training, haven't get our diplomas, tomorrow still is a significant day, a milestone for us and our medical education.
On the last day, the Robe-hooding Team will hold a activity of bizarre dress. I can not decide what to wear or bring to the classroom, but I don't want to miss it. Hmm… It seems I don't have enough creativity.
In tomorrow night, we will have a night-touring of the campus. Maybe I can bring some beers and enjoy the stroll with my dear classmates.
Wow… The last day, what a special, worth remembering day.
Hmm… Last night I did realize that's really a problem of sincerity, especially when there's a or some potential competitors.
I don't know what the true meaning behind that sentence is. Maybe it means, "Come on, that's your chance. Be more active." On the other hand, it can be, "Sigh, I don't want to reckon on you anymore. Give it up."
For the same thing, I really did less. So, I agree, that's really a problem of sincerity.
I don't know whether it was another episode of mania, I bought a new IBM optical mouse (31P7410) from Yahoo! Bid. Because the postage is a little bit high, I persuaded another 4 people to buy one.
Oh… the leather-like texture on the cover makes me feel very very satisfied. But now, I have desire to buy a new IBM keyboard with Trackpoint (Space Saver II), again. @_@
Today, we had the final exam of ob/gyn. It was very difficult. Many questions were out of the range. After that, many of my classmates complained about the bad teaching and the unreasonable range of the exam. It seems that they hate the Ob/gyn department very much. Maybe some blamed me for not getting the correct info of the exam. Dunno.
But I heard some people don't show their understanding to the CR, saying he must take the most responsibility because he didn't give us the key points before the exam. I think maybe we are spoiled by the previous exams. If the CRs are nice and willing to spend their time in reading through our co-notes and marking the key points on them, we should thank them very much. But if they didn't do that, how can we blame them for not doing which is not their duties?
But all will go by. What we have to do is to prepare the next exam more hardly.
A few days ago, in one talk with rin1999, I said I don't understand why a man having a girlfriend still do something looks like unfaithful to another woman, such as getting close to her, touching her hands, shoulders, or any part of her body. I said I won't do that. But rin1999 said I did the same thing before. Because I tried to get close and talk to her without any intention to avoid any look-like-unfaithful situation.
Hmm… Did I? Maybe I have to examine myself more strictly. Or maybe, I'm just a guy with self-confessed single-mindedness in love?! However, this won't happen again in a short period… >_<
I think I may be conditioned. Every time I turned on the computer, I always checked the user list of Skype to see if someone was there. But is it the time this should happen? I don't know. I don't know exactly what I'm thinking and what the truth in my mind.
It may be a good thing, but on the other hand, it may get me into another vicious cycle that I know I should avoid. Hmm… What a contradiction!