辦完離職後, 打算利用下午和晚上把台南繞一繞, 無奈下午三點多卻下起大雨,我只好枯守在電腦前發呆, 一直等到五點多雨停了才搭上火車到台南. 先把弟弟找出來吃頓晚飯, 順便把他的筆電還給他, 最近用了他的筆電, 感覺實在是越來越想買, 太方便了. 吃完飯兼「教訓」他一頓後, (每次我遇到他都會一直說教… XD)借了車往安平的方向騎.
In Chi-Mei Hospital
I came to Chi-Mei Hospital for clerk training last Tuesday, and we will finish at this Saturday with a Suture Training Camp. I’m now in the common room for doctors. This is the second time I come here, and I think this may be the last time, because we’ll go to Liu-Yin for 2 days.
In ER, we, all 9 people, seperated into 2 groups. One work during 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and the other during 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.. But this evening, the vice president invite all the interns and clerks to a dinner party, so there is no one can go working during the second period. We seperated the first period into two again, and after lunch, I can have a free afternoon. That is why I’m here.
It is very nice to study here. All the residents here took care of us very much. And the most important is that I see a new working attitude and team-working style that are different from VGHTPE. I realized the importance of outward intern training. It gives us chances to see outer world, and I will not restrict ourselves just in one place. And here, we have many chances to do some procedures. I really like here, and I must not forget the days here and take it in my mind for a long time.
The articles below are the diaries of these days: (they are in Chinese)
- 2005.07.19 The First Day In Chi-Mei
- 2005.07.20 The First Day In ER
- 2005.07.21 The Early Night Working
- 2005.07.22 Sonography
- 2005.07.25 Scaring Chest Tube
- 2005.07.26 Abdominal Tapping
- 2005.07.27 Dinner Party For Interns And Clerks
- 2005.07.28 Liu-Ying Chi-Mei Hospital, Part I
- 2005.07.29 Liu-Ying Chi-Mei Hospital, Part II
今天算是一年一度的國中同學會, 原本打算昨天晚上查一下火車時刻表, 沒想到宿舍網路忽然爛掉, 害我早上只好亂猜碰運氣, 沒想到還真的沒有火車可以搭到台南, 多虧了士歪, 讓我得以趕上回斗六的火車.
前一天晚上我就一直在考慮究竟要帶書或是帶筆記型電腦到火車上用, 後來我選擇了筆電, 既然都已經帶出來了, 當然得好好利用拿出來打一打, 本來想試試火車上有沒有無線網路可以用, 想當然應該是不會有, 而且還是在復興號上… ^^a既然沒有網路可用, 於是便補了篇之前的日記. 不過在火車上打字實在不太舒服,位置窄窄的, 而且還會輕微的晃動, 感覺有點快要亂視的感覺, 真不曉得有些人是怎麼在車上, 甚至是公車上打字的… @_@
Fight For My Typhoon Lunch
Originally, I planned to go to Chi-Mei Hospital for intern course on Monday morning, but in order to get avoid of the Typhoon Haitang, I arrived in Tainan and went to my brother’s dorm in NCKU yesterday afternoon. Beyond my expectations, the typhoone came very quickly, and in the night, the government announced that no work and no school on Monday.
This morning when I was waken up by my Mom’s call, the storm was going on outside. I gave up the desire for breakfast and just bought a cup of drink via the vending machine. In the morning, I surfed around the internet, read the plenty unread bloglines articles, and wrote the diary about NTU Concert Tour.
At about noon, I couldn’t put up with hungry, and woke my brother asking him about the plan of lunch. I decided to go out to buy 3 lunch boxes back. (The third one is for my brother’s roommate.)
I wore my blue raincoat and took up my umbrella. It really rained cats and dogs outside, and furthermore the wind was so strong that I need to hold my umbrella so tightly for fear of it’s blowing off. Fortunately, some stores and restaurants in the Yu-Le Street were still opened, and I successfully bought 3 lunch boxes.
It is a impressive experience to go out in typhoon day. May the typhoon leave Taiwan quickly, I don’t want to go out for my dinner on such bad weather again later.