今年是第三次參加社團博覽會, 少了幹部的沉重負擔, 以一種比較輕鬆的心態去參與.
今年的參展社團似乎比往年少了許多, 不知道是沒有人手忙這個, 還是其實已經倒了… XD 當然也有一些新興的社團, 像游泳隊, 易經社等等.
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
剛剛忽然莫名奇妙心血來潮, 去抓了 Blogger for Word 來用用看, 沒想到正準備要 po 文章時, Word 居然當掉!! 不過我相信應該不是這個 plug-in 的關係.. ^^a 不知道用這個東西 po 出來會長什麼樣? 說不定我還是比較習慣連上網頁去發表…
In Stuart’s BBS personal board, I saw a post about his recently Harry Potter reading. He said he just used a few days to finish it. In my free time in August, I’ve also read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. But my reading progress was more slowly than his, only one chapter per day.
It’s a little sad to hear about this, because of realizing that my English-reading level is lower. But what does it mean? My poorer English is a unchangable fact. In order to improve it, what I need is to read and practice more. I have NO NEED to compare with him or others. I felt my reading speed increased than before, and it’s enough.
My biggest enemy is MYSELF.
早上到捷運站附近的早餐店吃早餐時, 順便拿起了蘋果日報來翻翻, 看到這則新聞: 全家等4超商擴大交叉合作 ETC卡對抗icash 全力纏鬥統一超 看看圖中的人, 一整片笑臉裡居然有一張是反面的, 唔… 真不知道是不是記者故意拍他的… XD