替 GF670 換上新的接目鏡

之前就發現 GF670 接目鏡上的橡膠環好像有個小裂縫,但不幸的是,去年去土耳其時,整個橡膠環就脫落遺失了,雖然不影響拍攝,但透過觀景窗取景時,接目鏡的金屬部位會一直摩擦到眼鏡,這樣下去也不是辦法,只好想辦法買一個新的回來。



只好聯絡日本富士看看了,他們的官網上沒有聯絡 email,但有個 contact form 可以填。我在今年 2 月時留了以下訊息給他們:

Model Name: GF670
Serial Number: 21004013
Date of Purchase: Forgot.
Country/Area of Purchase: Unknown.

I lost the rubber ring on the ファインダー接眼部. I checked the accessory page (http://fujifilm.jp/personal/filmandcamera/filmcamera/mediumformat/gf670/accessories.html) but cannot found it. Without it, the metal ring always scratches my glasses, and this annoys me. I asked the agent (恆昶實業) in Taiwan, but they said they don’t import this product and cannot help me. Where can I get/buy a new rubber ring? Thank you very much.


We are greatly sorry for your inconvenience.

We assume you would like to purchase Diopter Correction Lens.
However, we don’t sell specific product for GF670.

According to the information from our domestic sales department, you are able to purchase this product from the company called, COSINA.

This is the Japanese website below but please kindly check if this product meets your request and contact COSINA for this product.

Once again, we apologize for your inconvenience.
We sincerely hope you can find necessary product.

Best regards

看起來官方似乎就沒出這樣的配件,而是通用於 COSINA 的接目鏡

當初賣二手 GF670 的賣家在賣給我之前就表示接目鏡曾經遺失,有換過一個,所以直接問他,他表示他是拍賣上買的,一個要台幣 400 元,想了想之後可能會去日本,在 Bic Camera 上查了一下,Cosina 的那個接目鏡也只要 500–600 日幣,台灣實在賺很大,反正暫時也用不著,就先不買了。

沒想到這次去了日本,Bic Camera 真是太令我失望了,現場抬高售價,而且很多東西也都沒有存貨,不過沒有存貨這件事倒也不能怪 Bic Camera,本來想從 Amazon 訂,卻要『通常1~3週間以内に発送します』,在日本停留的期間不夠長,只好作罷。

這個問題還是得解決,最後只能回歸到台灣貴貴的水貨,沒辦法,人家賣你方便囉!這樣一來,又可以開開心心的帶著 GF670 出去拍照,解決了一個問題,還是很高興的。

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